E Komo Mai. Welcome.
Aloha! Welcome to my personal space. This space is inspired by Distill’s notion of research debt and the Illustrated BERT. It is a self-exercise in building paths and staircases through the mountains I climbed or sharing those seen in the wild. As the saying goes, the opinions expressed here are my own and not necessarily the views of my employer.
- [Sep. 2022] Our paper about trajectory clustering is accepted to DASC 2022.
- [Aug. 2022] Our paper about seed topic models is accepted to Scitech 2023.
- [Jun. 2021] Our paper about Kaiaulu’s Architecture is accepted to ECSA’s 2021 post-proceedings.

(Draft) The MSR Tooling Maze
A short reflection on the hardships to find MSR tools that are extensible. Continue reading (Draft) The MSR Tooling Maze

(Draft) Peer Review Notes from MSR Shadow PC
This post summarizes notes and recommendations shared to Shadow Program Committee Members in MSR 2021. Continue reading (Draft) Peer Review Notes from MSR Shadow PC

(Draft) Open Data and Science Practices in MSR
A short compendium of the MSR conference different Call for Papers and guidelines for Open Data and Science practices. Continue reading (Draft) Open Data and Science Practices in MSR

Mining Software Repositories in R. Continue reading Kaiaulu

Identifying Topical Evolution in R Continue reading Kaona